If you’ve ever taken a sip from a glass of water that came from the home of someone with a reverse osmosis system, 你知道它尝起来有多清新.

Or, perhaps you have concerns about water quality and want to make sure your family is drinking healthy water that reduces contaminants as much as possible.

反渗透(R.O.饮用水确实是任何家庭最纯净的选择. 这是大自然让365体育APP下载喝的水.



大多数房主可能都听说过反渗透, 但除非他们家里已经有了系统, 他们可能不知道它到底是什么,也不知道反渗透是如何工作的. 反渗透是最精细的水过滤方法之一, 它可以改善水质和口感, 即使水已经处理过了.

为了理解反渗透,让365体育APP下载从定义渗透开始. 根据《日博365APP下载》, osmosis is the process of water or other solvents passing through a semipermeable membrane wherein particles are held back by the membrane. 正常的渗透自然总是从 最高 水的浓度 最低 浓度. 当考虑渗透作用时, consider how the roots of a plant draw water and nutrients from the soil — this process of the roots drawing the nutrients and water through the soil is osmosis.

在基础水平上, 反渗透过程类似于渗透, involving molecules moving through a semipermeable membrane to filter out water contaminants. 然而, the primary difference is that reverse osmosis requires an external pressure to force the water through the membrane because it is doing the opposite of what is found in nature. 未经过滤的水有 较低的 纯水的浓度和 更高的 过滤膜对面的浓度. So in order for the water to flow through the system, it needs to be pushed by external forces. 反渗透膜阻挡大大小小的污染物, 留下新鲜的, uncontaminated water on one side of the membrane and the contaminants on the other side.

当考虑到反渗透在你家里的水, the reverse osmosis membrane in the reverse osmosis system acts like a type of filter as it has extremely tiny pores that help remove microscopic contaminants from the water you drink by straining them out. 在反渗透的情况下,饮用水系统, the semipermeable membrane only lets water molecules through while other contaminants are collected and flushed away. 其结果是高质量的过滤水,不含污染物, 新鲜的, 和美味的!

现在365体育APP下载知道了渗透和反渗透的基本定义, 让365体育APP下载深入了解家用反渗透水过滤系统, 当需要的时候, 它是如何工作的, 如果它适合你的家.


反渗透 is a great option for those who have water softeners or other filtration systems (such as a fixture-mounted carbon system) that aren’t quite meeting the homeowner’s needs. Some individuals may be perfectly happy with the result of hard water that is softened, 而其他人则寻求更脆的, 过滤后的, 瓶装水的味道.

Additionally, some systems cannot filter out contaminants the way a reverse osmosis system can. 反渗透, 也被简称为“RO”系统, 是否能够捕获其他系统遗漏的污染物. We have reverse osmosis drinking water systems that are tested and certified for reduction of:

  • 引领
  • 硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐
  • 铬(六价 & 三价)
  • 氟化
  • 囊肿(隐孢子虫)
  • 总溶解固形物

软水非常适合清洁、淋浴和洗衣. 然而,有些人宁愿不喝它. 这取决于水的硬度, 它的总溶解固形物(TDS)仍然很高, 哪些会对味道产生负面影响. 原因是硬矿物质被钠取代了, 而且你的水里可能还有其他软化剂无法去除的污染物.

A reverse osmosis system can remove the undesired 钠 along with other contaminants and dissolved solids, which makes a water softener and a reverse osmosis system an ideal combination for most homes.


虽然365体育APP下载之前简化了反渗透的定义, there’s a bit more to the process when using a reverse osmosis system to purify drinking water.

反渗透系统在歧管上有三个圆柱形罐, 其中一个是反渗透膜,另外两个是碳过滤器. Let’s take a closer look at the purpose of each of the three filtration stages and how they function in a reverse osmosis system.

步骤1: Pre-filtration

The first step in purifying water with a reverse osmosis drinking water system is meant to protect the membrane. 它能去除较大的沉积物, 包括一些溶解的固体, 还能减少水中的氯. 第一个滤芯被称为沉积物过滤器或碳块过滤器. 它有助于保护细胞膜, 哪一个会被过多的沉淀物堵塞,或者被暴露在过多的氯中而损坏, 你会在市政用水中发现吗.


在最初的过滤之后,真正神奇的是反渗透系统. 你的水在压力下被迫通过半透膜. The reverse osmosis membrane is a synthetic plastic material that allows the passage of water molecules. 然而, 钠, 氯, 钙以及像葡萄糖这样的大分子, 尿素, 囊肿不能通过.

水权通常使用薄膜复合膜(TFC). which are resistant to bacteria breakdown and have a high rejection rate of 95 to 97 percent on average. TFC膜不耐氯,这就是使用碳预过滤器的原因.

步骤3 & 4:后过滤和最终抛光

在你家里的水准备好喝之前, 它通过第二个碳过滤器(或后过滤器), which removes any remaining contaminants in the unlikely case they slipped past the first two steps in the system. 然后,水会填满一个储罐,在那里等待你准备好使用它. 最后, 这是一个在线活性炭过滤器, 当你的水从水龙头流出时,它会给你的水最后一次抛光. This is used to remove any remaining odors or flavors that may come from the system hoses or the holding tank while your water is waiting to be used. The polish is a “just in case” step to make sure the water you drink tastes incredibly 新鲜的!


反渗透系统占用相对较小的空间在你的家. 不像软水机这样的大型系统, reverse osmosis systems can take up very little space; however, 这取决于您选择的特定反渗透系统. 反渗透 drinking water systems are commonly installed under kitchen sinks or can be mounted in basements underneath the sink you want it to connect to so you don’t have to sacrifice your cabinet space. Whole house reverse osmosis systems are a little larger and are typically installed near the point your water enters your home, 就像软水机或热水器一样. 全屋系统通常安装在地下室或杂物间. Keep in mind that sacrificing a small amount of space will bring forth big rewards in the form of better tasting water, 节约成本, 和更多的!


就像家里的任何水过滤系统或家用电器一样, 正确维护是很重要的. Properly maintained reverse osmosis systems can last for as long as a decade or even longer!

当你在家里安装了反渗透系统, the installer should review the proper maintenance and maintenance schedule of your equipment. The frequency of how often you will need to replace your carbon or membrane cartridges will depend on how many contaminants you are needing it to collect and how much water you will run through the system.

The pre-filter or sediment filter should typically be changed on a yearly basis as this filter protects your reverse osmosis membrane, but your local professional may recommend it be done every 6 months for high usage homes. Properly taking care of this filter means your membrane should last a two to three years before it will need to be replaced. The carbon filter should be replaced about once or twice a year depending on your water quality.


当你安装一个反渗透系统,你会享受 更美味的咖啡和茶更清澈的冰块,以及厨房水槽里的纯净、健康的水. 如果你还在喝瓶装水, 你就可以改用水龙头喝水了. A reverse osmosis system is a smart investment that saves you money in the long run and is better for the environment. 如果需要,水权还提供整个家庭反渗透系统. 你甚至可以用反渗透水清洗你的车,使其无斑点!

Get further details on reverse osmosis drinking water systems complete the form below to get connected with one of our local water experts in your area for your free in-home consultation!





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反渗透是如何工作的? |终极指南

If you’ve ever taken a sip from a glass of water that came from the home of someone with a reverse osmosis system, 你知道它有多纯净,多清爽 ...